How do we think about photography on

Photography is a valuable tool for supporting our mission at LEAF Inspiring Change, which is to facilitate transformative change and environmental awareness. However, it's important to use photography in an ethical and responsible way. This policy provides guidelines for thinking about photography on and ensuring that our use of images aligns with our ethical criteria.

Main Takeaways:

When Photographing:

  1. We encourage images of hands, people from behind, shots from far away, colorful scenes, movement, playful moments, and everyday objects. These can convey the essence of a place and ambiance without risking the identification of individuals.
  2. Sometimes, we use photographs of people with recognizable features.
  3. Obtain clear consent before taking photographs for research or communication purposes. Clearly state the reason for taking the photographs, and consider asking for contact information in case you plan to publish the images.
  4. Even with consent forms signed, always ask for permission before taking photographs.
  5. Create a comfortable space for individuals to decline to be photographed.

When Publishing Photographs:

  1. When using a photograph with identifiable people, consider the message you want to convey and explore alternatives that convey a similar message.
  2. Write captions that explain why you are using a picture with identifiable people.
  3. Consider using collage, doodles, or illustrations as alternatives to photographs.

When Preparing a Project Including Photographs:

  1. Plan and think carefully about the images you intend to capture.
  2. Ensure that the content you collect remains private and unidentifiable.

Photography Creates Implicit Messages

Photography has a history of being used to shape narratives and reinforce power dynamics. On, we are committed to using photography responsibly to avoid perpetuating harmful messages. To counteract this, consider the following: